Monday, January 13, 2014

Network Marketing: Scam, or Viable Business Opportunity?

Network marketing is the chiropractic of the business world.  I say this with authority and confidence because I am a chiropractor.  For many years we were looked at as the charlatans of health care.  In recent decades, though, the profession has made great strides in proving its value and validity, both through anecdotal evidence as well as solid research.  However, in spite of this, I still hear prejudiced comments that we are not "real doctors."  We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.

To anyone in the network marketing world, this story must sound very familiar.  Just do an internet search on "Network marketing scams" and see the plethora of information that comes up.  Even when you are doing a legitimate search on network marketing, the search results are peppered with naysayers.

I'm going to tell you something that not many people realize.  It will immediately open your eyes up to the legitimacy of the network marketing industry.  In current times, most well known (we're talking Fortune 500 companies) traditional companies are involved in, or at least considering, how to sell their products through network and/or affiliate marketing. As an example, Discovery Toys markets their products exclusively through network marketing‚ with sales figures that excceed $100 million.  Sprint‚ MCI and AT&T make their long distance phone service available through network marketing companies. Major chains like Best Buy and Target use affiliate marketers to market their stores and products.

So, as the dark veil of scam has been lifted from network marketing just a little bit with that juicy tidbit of information, let's put this negative image to rest once and for all, shall we?
Here are the facts:
  1. MLM, or what is more commonly referred to as network marketing these days, has been around since the 1940s, with the vitamin company Nutrilite.
  2. In 1959, Amway was born.  They eventually took over Nutrilite, and MLM never looked back.
  3. The success of Amway drew attention; hence multiple network marketing companies were born.
  4. The people who ruin it for everyone came along.  They saw the potential for lucrative rewards, created a counterfeit version of MLM, and Ponzi and pyramid schemes were developed. This caused the network marketing business to become associated with the word "scam".
  5. At the urging through petition by ethical MLM companies, the government established ethical practices for a reputable MLM company and clearly defined what MLM is.
  6. MLM companies that are really just pyramid schemes get closed up relatively quickly as a result of the laws that have been put into place.
  7. Since MLM came into existence, the industry has evolved into a wide array of companies with a diverse range of products to sell, good compensation plans, and tools to help their marketers build their own business.  Despite all the bumps in the road, MLM is a thriving industry and a very good way to build a business for yourself.
If the above is true, why does the negative image persist?
Issues that enhance the "Network Marketing Scam" image are as follows:
  1. There is greater than a 90 percent failure rate in the industry because the people who sign up don't take action. They then blame the business model and perpetuate the "scam" image.
  2. Just like any other start-up business, it takes time and effort to build your network marketing business.  If people don't start getting a 4 figure monthly residual income check after signing up a few people, they think it's a "scam."
  3. Relating to point number 2, the marketing tactics by people already in the business are not sound.  Proper marketing must be done in order to create and duplicate success.  Otherwise, the network marketing scam image is perpetuated when promises are made of riches and free time within weeks of joining, but in reality those promises cannot be kept.
  4. The laws that were meant to protect MLM also hurt the MLM image, unfortunately. The idea of pyramid selling is also a mentality, not necessarily just a business structure. So, with any MLM compensation plan, the attitude of pyramid scheme gets easily applied to it, and people immediately think "network marketing scam."
  5. Most people you speak to about your network marketing business will never join you because it's not for them.  It takes persistence, perseverance, and maximum exposure of your business through solid marketing techniques to find the people who are cut out for network marketing.
  6. Network marketing gives people the impression it is easy to make money; the REAL truth is, network marketing is HARD.
So, with everything I just told you, where is the good news in all of this?  We have a reputable business model that has a somewhat tarnished reputation.  It's not as easy as it was once made out to be.  You must ask yourself this question, then: Are you truly cut out for this business?
Consider the following as you try to answer that question.
  • Do you want to continue working in a corporate job most of your life with the realization that you may never retire early and spend time with your family? For some people this is the easier route because at your J-O-B you just show up, put your time in, get your check, and leave.  Not much effort besides what your job requires, and there is a guaranteed income, even if it's not the amount you would like to have. OR...
  • Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit?  Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to come up with an idea from scratch.  You are just as entrepreneurial if you see an opportunity and create your own destiny based on how you present that opportunity to the world.
My full and final assessment of network marketing is this: if you have ever wanted to own your own business, be your own boss, work from home, set your own hours, and not have a salary cap on how much you can earn, then you should consider network marketing.  You must not enter this business, though, if you think it's going to be easy, and you aren't willing to put in the work.

Do your due diligence; study the company (or companies) you are going to get involved in – in addition to the material they provide you, there are also websites that list the top network marketing companies.  Learn about their products.  Understand how you will get paid.  Ask questions.  Talk to other distributors.  Assess whether or not you yourself can duplicate a successful business model within that company.

Take your time with this decision.  You are going into business for yourself.  Once you figure out if you are ready to take your career into your own hands, move forward with confidence and a solid business and marketing plan.

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How To Achieve Real Success In Network Marketing

If you want to achieve success in network marketing, there are several things that people who have built a large business have in common. Here are a few things that are necessary for you to earn the income you desire.

1. You need to treat your busines seriously, and be coachable. The best way to learn how to be successful is to learn from others who are already achieving the success you wish, and then do the same.

2. To have success in network marketing you must have confidence in yourself and your ability. Our thoughts and attitudes play a big role in how successful we are at any endeavour. If you have doubts that you will do well, or you have low self esteem, it will be very hard for you to achieve any of your goals. People who do not believe in their ability to achieve find ways to sabotage themselves or else they blame others for their lack of success. You must take responsibility but also must believe you will get the results you are after, even if it does not seem to be apparent at the time. Spending some time each day in personal development is one of the best investments you can make.

3. Despite what you may have heard, you need to realize that it is not true that everyone is your prospect. When you understand that, you will save yourself a lot of time and avoid discouragement. Success in network marketing is about attracting people who are much like yourself. It is not about talking to everyone you meet. Most people have no desire to join an MLM or to take the products a company offers. So why shoud anyone waste time trying to convince them? Instead, learn how to attract people who will want what you have.

4. People who have achieved success in network marketing do not make excuses. They take personal responsibility for their actions. While others can teach you the strategies for building a successful business, it will ultimately be up to you to take the necessary action. No one can do this for you.

5. As much as possible, spend your time with success-minded people, rather than negative ones. People who know what they want in life, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there, are the ones you want to associate with. Those with a negative mindset can have an adverse affect on you. While it might not be possible to avoid negative people entirely, try to limit yourself with them as much as you can.

6. You must have a burning desire to work for yourself, and not for someone else. People in MLM who have built large businesses have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and do not agree with the conventional wisdom that says we should work for someone else. Having that strong desire will get you through any discouraging times or setbacks you may have, because nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.

These are some of the things that people who are enjoying success in network marketing have in common.

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Achieving The Elusive Success In MLM

Success in MLM business is not as hard as many marketers may think. Thousands of marketers have failed in this promising industry because they did not know how to properly generate network marketing leads. Many are still struggling after years of being in the business because they use the wrong methods in trying to grow their business.

Creating success in MLM has become easier than before with the use of internet and the marketing techniques available at your fingertips. To be successful in your Multi Level Marketing business, you need to be committed to learning the effective ways of creating a steady flow of qualified leads.

The modern marketing techniques can help you achieve success in MLM because they can attract prospects to come to you instead of you looking for them. They also eliminate begging and chasing people that can lower your self-esteem.

The most important aspect in attaining success in MLM business online is generating pre-qualified leads. You may choose to purchase leads from any reputable company if you are in a hurry to start emailing people and building relationship with them. These leads may not cost you that low but they may give you results. However, generating your own leads can provide you with much better results because they are highly targeted to your niche.

To generate highly targeted leads online, you need to create a website or blog. Make sure that you will not be lured by the fancy website offered by your MLM company. It's a replicated website used by other thousands of marketers under the same MLM company as yours. It may be nicely built and content-packed for you but it won't give you the exposure you needed. This is because a replicated site has a very slim chance of being indexed by search engines. In addition, a replicated website mostly promotes your company and products. Therefore, this type of website won't help much in your goal of achieving success in MLM.

Once you have created your own website, write helpful contents for your visitors. Your target market consists of people whose problems are fixable by the product you offer. Be very careful when writing articles fro your site. Rather than pitching your business opportunity, provide prospects with valuable content related to their problems and the benefits of what you offer. Try to make your site an authority site that visitors will feel the need to visit your site again to seek information from an expert, not from a product affiliate.

It's important to note that having your own website alone doesn't guarantee success in MLM. You have to drive traffic to your website so internet searchers will find you. You can write informative articles and create videos and submit them to different websites with your link to your MLM website. You can also use social networking sites to get people to visit your site.

Success in MLM requires your time and effort but you will realize in the long run that the results it can provide you are more than worth everything you have invested.

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How To Generate Network Marketing Leads Using A Blog

Network marketing leads are essential for any successful Multilevel Marketing business, but many marketers find it difficult to look for prospects. Other networkers buy leads from reputable companies to instantly have their list of prospects.

Purchasing leads can come with a hefty price if you don't know which ones to get, even if they are free. The up-side is, if you know the right strategy to buying leads it can eliminate many of the hassles of trying to find prospects. Purchased leads can be helpful for marketers but no matter how targeted they are, you're still contacting strangers 'cold' compared to contacting the network marketing leads that you have generated on your own. Generating on your own does take time and skill, but it works much better because with each of these type of leads you have begun to establish a relationship.

Generating your own network marketing leads is both an art and a skill that you can learn.

The most important thing to remember when looking for prospects is that you're talking to real people and that you have to keep them interested with what they want, not what you want to say. It's all about them, not you. These people are not looking for a company or any product, but a solution to their problem. Find out what they want, consider their feelings and offer them a solution. Once you have their attention, build a relationship and partnership with them.

The internet has brought a huge advantage to MLM marketers when it comes to generating network marketing leads. You can start grabbing your share of this huge advantage by creating your personal website or blog. Create a brand for yourself and try to make yourself unique from the rest.

While others are busy pitching their business opportunity, try to make yourself valuable and sell "you." Let the people know that you are an expert and that you can help them solve their problems based on the capability of your product. This can be done by writing informative contents that talk about people's problems and how you can help fix these problems. Avoid talking about your business opportunity and your product because people are not interested in them.

Of all the online marketing methods, writing articles or blog posts is the most tedious task. You don't have to fret if you're not destined to be a great writer. As long as you know what to write and how to express your thoughts, you can write. If you think you can't do it, you can get the help of any of online writing services.

An opt-in form placed on your website or blog is the best tool in capturing your network marketing leads' contact information. Those who perceive you as an expert and want to get information from you will fill out the form. Offer more valuable information such as free video, report or ebook related to your niche in exchange of the contact details that visitors will provide.

Another tool that can prove helpful in generating network marketing leads is an auto responder. It allows you to send prewritten emails to your list of subscribers with just a few mouse clicks so you can start building a strong relationship with them. Follow up on your prospects consistently by providing them valuable emails. You can't expect to generate network marketing leads overnight, but it will happen if you use the right marketing strategies.

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How To Make Your Business Grow The Smart Way

Millions of people scour the Internet every day to look for products or services that can satisfy their needs or wants. From simple home supplies to luxury items, the virtual world lead people like you. You certainly want the best products or services that your limited budget can buy, right? So how come many online busines fail to generate mlm leads that can produce profits? Here's why, because online business owners sell or market products and services without considering the real needs of the market. Do you want to suceed in your online ventures? Then, you've come to the right place.

Think Like A Customer
The best approach to attract people or mlm leads to your business is understand your customers. For example, tire companies do not really sell tires. Instead, they focus on the safety that it can provide your family on a slippery road. Nobody is interested in rubber materials or stuff like that unless perhaps you're a race car driver. Rather, let the interest flow by making your product relevant to your audience. If they see the product as beneficial to their needs, then you could attract prospects. This is also the reason why overweight people are not attracted to any abdominal machines because they don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, only tedious exercises with an equipment.

Prospects are people so don't chase them by sending spammy mails, free ebooks, or cheap stuff. Don't pressure family and friends to sell a miracle cream because this approach simply doesn't work. Chasing people is exasperating since you need to pull up charts, show figures, and use various tactics that don't work. Successful marketers are busy developing products that naturally attract mlm leads. Putting effort on research and training achieves more mileage than sales presentations.

Know Your Market, Know Your Products
The very first thing you need to know is to understand how a sales funnel works. A good skin product can generate much attention from mlm leads by providing much information about its benefits. Create a site that contains fresh content about the skin product. Make people talk about since word-of-mouth is still effective. Post avideo in Youtube or speak about it in forums. Once you have hit people who are really interested in your product, then expect more organic visitors to your site. Call to action gently nudges them to make a decision. Once people visit your site frequently, then that shows interest. Build relationships rather than pushy sales talk.

Seek Advice from Good Mentors
Professional mentors can provide good advice to help you succeed. They can help you set up a real network marketing website that can generate mlm leads in a natural way. No hype just simple methods that emphasize product benefits that makes potential target customers interested.

Learn from experts not tacky salespeople. Get the mlm leads you always wanted to capture by doing it the right way. Stand out from the rest by avoiding pitfalls aforementioned. Start right by learning more yet doing less work.

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Build A Downline The Modern Way

How to build a downline for your Multilevel Marketing business seems to be a very daunting task, especially for marketers who are new in the industry. However, if someone can show you the right strategies to build a downline at the start, everything will become simpler for you. We often hear that the money is in the list, but the problem is that so many marketers don't have a list simply because it's difficult for them to get a list of leads.

In your MLM business, the important components you need to have boil down to: an effective system to generate leads and effective downline to expand your business. The first thing you need to do is to get leads. People interested in what you offer are not that difficult to attract. Instead of looking for these people, create irresistible bait that people will love to bite and put it in a strategic place where people can easily find.

The right place where people can find this bait is your website in the internet, and your bait is valuable, informative content. Millions of people around the globe have problems that your product is capable of fixing, and they are looking for solutions to their problems through podcasts, articles, videos and special reports. Remember not to sell anything on your website or talk about your company or business opportunity at all. Just keep on posting solid, informative content. This is how you can catch them so you can build a downline.

Provide quality content that has the information they need and the answers to their questions and confusion. When they find your content valuable, they will want to hear from you again. Provide your website visitors with an opt-in form so they can easily and quickly sign up to your mailing list in exchange of a valuable content. By signing up, they voluntarily give you their contact details which your system automatically captures. Of course, you can't expect all your website visitors to sign up. As an example, a website that focuses on helping people to lose weight can't make a physically fit or a skinny reader to sign up to future articles about losing weight.

An auto-responder is a very helpful tool when you try to build a downline as it allows you to conveniently send messages to all of the leads in your list at once. Followup on these leads by sending them informative emails two to three times a week. By doing this, you won't give them a chance to forget about their problems and you will also remind them that you have the available solutions.

You can build a downline once these people decide to take your offer and sign up under you. The process does not stop there. In order to ensure the growth of your MLM business, you have to mentor or coach the people who signed up under you. You can't sponsor people and just leave them hanging in the wind. You have to teach them how to effectively build a downline on their own by using the methods you are using, because their success in MLM industry is also your success.

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How to Find MLM Leads Online

By Mark Kreyman - Any MLM business cannot succeed unless it has a huge network. But a network will not happen until you have prospects. How do you search for them online? Read our 6 strategies, including guaranteed signups:  

If you already have existing people in your network, encourage the current subscribers to share the business via referrals. To make sure they are motivated, develop an incentive system. Perhaps for every successful referral, they can earn a commission.

You do not put up a website just because. If you want to be taken more professionally, then you should have one. The best leads often require additional information. In addition, a website signifies you are serious with what you are doing.

A website needs an investment, but nevertheless you already have a huge number of web hosting firms to select, a hundred dollars can already mean a comprehensive list of benefits.

   Message Boards
It is more convenient for you to persuade prospects if you have already built your credibility. Use a message board to achieve that. Go to forums in relation to your niche. Create a username then participate in the discussion.

This takes time, yet credibility also does not happen overnight. Besides, the more you spend time in the message boards, you will meet plenty of persons that can help expand your network.

You can use Craigslist not only to look for furniture but also to search for leads and contacts. Craigslist has sections related jobs and business opportunities. Should you be concerned about geography, then you can quickly do that in Craigslist.

If you are trying to test the waters in marketing for leads, begin getting subscribers through a blog. You can also add this to your site later on. One of the keys in building a nice blog is to share valuable details to your readers. Keep in mind to include a mailing list form. In turn, your readers can read your new posts right at their inbox.

Paid Signups
Guaranteed signups save effort, time, and money in searching for proper leads. Their experience as well as knowledge in obtaining leads allow them to obtain the best individuals for your business, and they can accomplish this with ethics in mind.

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The Right MLM Leads Yields Success

If you are in a network marketing business, you probably know the importance of MLM leads. These are the ones that help you find success in the business. To some, this is a very tiring, hard and frustrating work. Few find it easy to build a thriving business and always have MLM leads. If you want to be one of the few who are making it in the business, you need to change your approach, know who to associate with and which methods to apply in the business. Not everything you hear can help you build a strong business.

If you rely on MLM leaders for help on how to get MLM leads, you might end up failing miserably. Most are not as successful as they claim. The few who are will not reveal their secrets to you. They will only teach you about the commonly taught methods that had been in practice many years before. These have become outdated but many still practice them regardless of the fact that they don't work. These methods include recruiting your friends and family members and introducing the business opportunity to as many people as you can everyday.

The reasons why these methods cannot get you MLM leads is because most people will not be willing to try out any business that promises a lot of money with minimal input as most MLM business opportunities do. Some may have joined other networking companies and failed. You should never try to recruit your family members and friends. Most will not join and the few who might will not be actively involved in the business. This will not benefit you in anyway.

The people who always have MLM leads will tell you that the only way to build a successful business is by concentrating more on the products rather than on the opportunity. It is important to learn about the products in the business and what they can do for people. Once you understand them well, it will be easier selling their benefits to people. Your work in the business will be simplified. You will be able to run a successful business and have time for other important things in your life such as your family and friends. Many will envy you.

When you are able to get MLM leads from the people who need the products, you should not push them too hard into joining the business. Some may only be interested in the products while others might join because they think they will get the products at a cheaper price. The most important thing is that you have them interested in what you are doing. They will be the gateway to others who may want to join the business. You should respect their wishes and not nag them every now and then. If you do this, they might take their business somewhere else.

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What You Can Emulate From Network Marketing Leaders

To achieve success in this industry you can learn from what network marketing leaders are doing. It is important to use the current network marketing strategies and do away with the old ways of doing it. For example, it is no longer advisable to pitch business opportunities, the network marketing company, working at home or your products themselves. Regardless of how good these are, this kind of pitching cannot hold water in today's world.

How do network marketing leaders do it? Well, most of these leaders use a different strategy from this old method. They understand the fact people are tired of being bugged by marketers every day and hearing the same old stuff. Their new strategies do not focus on lying to people that they are joining a get rich quick scheme. Instead, they focus on proven systems and techniques of marketing. Their techniques are fully focused on solving problems. When observing them carefully, you will clearly see that there is no easy way to being successful. You need to plan yourself well and use proven principles.

You need to realize that network marketing leaders worked their way up the ladder. On the other hand, most of the people who fail miserably are looking for quick fixes to get rich quick. Therefore, the first thing that you need to note when you want to emulate them is the fact that you will need to work hard and be patient just like in any other business.

Network marketing leaders will not keep telling people to follow them. They will not call anyone to join some "opportunity" in all their content. Regardless of this, they will still appear on top of Google search results when you search using certain keywords. They have thousands of marketers in their teams. Most of them are millionaires and are well known internationally.

You can also get to this level. These network marketing leaders got their through providing useful information to people who needed help in solving real life issues. If you start looking at your business from this angle, you have made a big step in the right direction.

Forget talking to your friends and family but rather create a website or a blog which can talk to the world. The world does not want another marketer making empty promises.

Therefore, do not mention your products, the company name or any opportunity in your blog. Focus on helping your readers to solve issues which are related to the products you are dealing with. For example, if you are dealing with weight loss products, have a blog that talks about how to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

How will this help you to funnel network marketing prospects? Such a blog will attract a following of people who want to be helped with their weight. If you constantly deliver high quality content, they will respect you and follow your advice. It will be easier for them to subscribe to your mailing list and buy the products you recommend. Eventually, you will end up with lots of quality leads who you can add to your downline. Always deliver quality and research on ways to drive relevant traffic to your blog or site. Make your new recruits feel special through teaching them exactly what you do and helping them to be successful.

Using the example above, your new recruit will enjoy both good health and an opportunity to become successful. This method has worked for network marketing leaders and will also work for you.

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Success In Network Marketing The Right Way

Contrary to what many people believe, success in network marketing is not an impossible goal. The reason why people fail in this business is because they employ the wrong strategies, which prevents their business from going anywhere. Chances are that you have tried and failed, but never really understood why. It could also be that even though you are not a network marketer, the people you know in this business have not been successful. As result, you may have a negative perception of the industry. However, the good news is that your network marketing business need not end in failure. With the right information, you can easily succeed with your first try or turn your failure into success. You will find this article helpful in this regard, as it gives you tips for success in network marketing.

Success in network marketing begins with having the right mindset. One of the reasons why people fail in this business is because they view it as an easy way to financial freedom. As a result, they fail to put in enough effort, dwelling instead on the old, but ineffective ways of doing business. In this case, you chase after family and friends, hoping that they can somehow convince their own friends to join the business. If this has been your mode of operation, then by now you know that it leads nowhere.

The best place to start is to learn all you need to know about the products or services you will be selling and how they can benefit others. This step is critical, since it helps you to determine what your target market will be from the onset. Consequently, your marketing efforts will only be focused on people who stand to benefit from what you are selling. Once you have identified your target market, you need to show your customers how they can benefit from what you are selling. In this case, you will be offering them a solution that will solve their problems, not just making sales. People who have benefited from your products or services are more likely to bring others in, because they have experienced them personally. As you target the right customers for your business, you are on your way to success in network marketing.

The other tip for success in network marketing is to implement a system that will help you to generate profits. Such a system should provide you with successful strategies that can be duplicated in your downline. This means that you and your team will be reading from the same page, thus even the latest entrants will not lag behind in the business. Another way in which you can succeed in network marketing is by utilizing the internet. Given that the internet does not have geographical limitations, you can be able to reach more people online than offline. Further, there are several marketing tools that you can utilize on the internet such as auto responders, to follow up on your prospective customers. In view of this, a carefully planned, internet marketing strategy can do wonders for your business. As you utilize the above tips, you will realize that success in network marketing is within your reach.

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